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Robitaille, Lucienne

1930 - 2013

Au Centre d’Hébergement St-Jean-Eudes le 21 octobre 2013, à l’âge de 83 ans, est décédée madame Lucienne Robitaille, épouse de feu monsieur Médéric Parent. Elle demeurait à Québec.

Madame Robitaille laisse dans le deuil ses enfants : Éric (Johanne Samson), Claire (Pierre St-Cyr), Lucie (Julien Bouix) et Karl (Judith Delisle) ; ses petits-enfants : Anne-Sophie et Sandrine, Raphaël et Marianne, Jeanne, Ingrid, Élie et Matthew ; ses belles-filles : Lorraine et Pierrette Parent et leur famille ; son beau-frère et ses belles-sœurs de la famille Parent : Louis-Émile, Corrine et Lucie ; les membres de la famille de Colette Robert (feu Jean-Marie Parent) ainsi que plusieurs neveux, nièces, cousins, cousines et ami(e)s.

La famille vous accueillera le jeudi 24 octobre de 19 h 00 à 21 h 30 au centre commémoratif

« Une maison familiale »
738, avenue Royale
Québec (arr. Beauport)
G1E 1Z4

Le service religieux sera célébré le vendredi 25 octobre à 14 h en l’église St-Ignace-de-Loyola, 3325, rue Loyola où la famille vous accueillera une heure avant la cérémonie et de là au cimetière paroissial.

Remerciement spécial au personnel du 3ème étage du Centre d’Hébergement St-Jean-Eudes pour leur gentillesse, délicatesse et dévouement.

Pour renseignements : (418) 661-9223


I have a question. Why woldun't OSPCA respond to any posts here? BigChiefInspector Connie wasted no time commenting on the CHDC blog regarding the Gem & Cocoa story. Strange.Second question. WHY wasn't Rocky scanned for a microchip?We received our latest issue of Animals Voice today. It was a typical heart-warming, all animals go to heaven issue. OSPCA, please implement the mandate suggested by the LeS-M report, to publicize ALL that you do. How many animals did you take in yesterday? How many did you euth?I understand very well the demands placed on a shelter by careless people. Let the public KNOW about this. Animal Shelters are where unwanted/neglected animals generally go, and then generally die. Please, prove me wrong, with real numbers. All the public needs to know is the honest truth. Glossing over/ Covering up what you do is just as wrong as saying that all animals find new homes when you take them to a shelter . This seems to be a very common public misperception.I've known this for years, but I worked in AC, years ago. I found out then what happens. Too many people found out for the first time, a year ago May 11. Be HONEST, OSPCA.Just like the animals are.OSPCA, stop marketing kittens/puppies. Stop fueling that demand for the puppy millers, the very mills that you freely admit are entirely legal. Such great laws we have, that you proudly proclaim on your web-site. Yet you also will say that our laws prevent you from doing the right thing. Which is the truth?OSPCA, do SOMEthing about our antiquated animal welfare laws. This is in your mandate, too.Remember?ps. woe to the animals of Toronto, if Mr. Ford is successful in privatizing animal control. Killing rates will skyrocket, and more and more puppy/kitten millers will get out there and make a buck.Why not? All animals find good homes, when they go to a shelter .


You have the monopoly on useful infa-motionraren't monopolies illegal? ;)

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