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bolduc, Noëlla


À l’Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus le 20 août 2014, à l’âge de 76 ans, est décédée madame Noëlla Bolduc, fille de feu monsieur Alphonse Bolduc et de feu madame Amélia Gauthier.  Elle demeurait à Beaupré.  La direction des funérailles a été confiée à la maison



« Une maison familiale »

11241, avenue Royale


G0A 1E0

Le service religieux sera célébré le mercredi 27 août 2014 à 11h00 en l’église de Beaupré, 1 rue Fatima, où la famille vous accueillera une heure avant la cérémonie et de là au cimetière paroissial.  Mme Noëlla Bolduc laisse dans le deuil ses frères et ses sœurs : Adrienne (feu Marcel Roberge), Victorien (Huguette Lemelin), Cécile (Victor Berreby), Michel, René (Lise Paré), Thérèse (Gaston Falardeau) et Diane (Réjean Doyon) ; sa belle-sœur Thérèse Lévesque (feu Joseph Bolduc) ainsi que plusieurs neveux, nièces, cousins, cousines et ami(e)s.  Elle est allée rejoindre ses frères et ses sœurs décédés : feu Réal, feu Gertrude, feu Jeanine, feu Aline, feu Denis et feu Sr Marie-Ange.


La famille remercie tout particulièrement le personnel médical de l’unité des soins intensifs de l’hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus pour la qualité des soins prodigués.


I just finished liesitnng to the podcast of canticle episode 4, i would like to say you all did an amazing job. this is the first time i'v listend to a podcast anywhere.the three of you sounded very professional, and it was alot of fun liesitnng to you guys joke around and hear how you felt about the issues. i will be liesitnng to the other podcast's now.i Agree, that DragonLance is NOT Dead. We are simply at 0 HP. we are unconcious, not dead. I will do my very best to support the Nexus for Years to Come, i will submit my works to the nexus, my understanding of the rules is all that needs work, my ideas are finished.my Only Regret is that i have not been fan for that long. no one ever told me about Krynn when i was younger. If i had known then, I would have been here sooner to show my support.I would also like to say i think this podcast should be heard an responded to by each member of the forums, it would do good for everyone to Hear what you have to say in Your words. I think it would bring the community closer, and allow us to interact with eachother more often.The Nexus is a great place to come and share ideas and just have a discussion about DragonLance, or whatever other interests we have. At this point, i believe the Loss of the Nexus would hurt more than the Loss of the Licence. but that might just be me.thank you for providing us Fans with Podcast's, they are a great addition to the gaming community, i hope to enjoy many more!Long Live the Lance.Duke.


I was revisiting the pdacost and I became a little confused. Were you trying at one point to decide a jumping on point for new players in the War of the Lance campaign or reconning the War?I ask this only because I don't think you need to truly touch the overall history of the War of the Lance. Here is what I have done to bring in the setting into a current atmosphere:1. I am setting the point of deviation with the onset of the war in Abanasinia. The companions are wandering their way while my party goes theirs, so the events of Chronicles will be unfolding simultaneously. The history of the companions and Ansalon is expanded upon but not shaken to the core.2. Retconning the history of the monk, sorceror and mystic in the world of Krynn. The Age of Despair makes sense for these classes to become elusive, in the case of the monks and/or reviled as in the cases of sorcerors and mystics. Rogue magicians and empowered heretics would have been the prolific purveyors of the mystical arts during this age. It never really made sense to me that so much focus was made on them during the Fifth Age when the beginning of the Fourth Age and the loss of the true gods and the isolation of the Wizards of High Sorcery would make for naturalistic practice of faith and hedge wizardry which I subscribed to the roles of mystics and sorcerors.3. To the victor Success of Takhisis or Paladine during the war would be of benefit or detriment to the other gods. In a revisited Fourth Age, agents of the pantheons other deities play expanded role. The companions can continue to follow Mishakal and Paladine's sway, but the ravaged lands, sea battles and spoils of war would be sought after by the followers of any of the gods. The weapons of Istar as well as other ancient powers and artifacts still exist in Ansalon and that would certainly be inspiration enough for a god or its followers to become protagonists or antagonists in the game. The short story regarding Chemosh during the War of the Lance was a good one illustrating this ( The Hand that Feeds , I believe)4. Fourth Age on the World Stage Taladas and Adlatum, Gragath and the Tamak, even the Dragon Isles had history and tales unfolding and during this age of abandonment, the extremes of dark and light clashed regardless if they existed as the presence of gods or in the souls of desperate beings across the planet trying to survive. Fourth Age was an incredibly popular setting but only a scant few sourcebooks and novels really explored the other lands of Krynn. In my game, I decided to allude to Taladas' gnomoi having greater involvement with Ansalon than anyone knows, as well as the Hulderfolk and a grand design by the god of vengeance which will take place over time using his chosen people, the Minotaurs (pronounced Meno taowr I don't say Mynotor because the king whose name was given to the beast was Minos (meenos) in Greek and Cam is correct, there is a u there that deserves recognition. )Again, great show and I really enjoy listening to it several times because you all cover many different perspectives and each new review reveals something more during your interaction. Later


I have not been able to find green tripe for my dog. Is the tripe that is available in the grocrey store ok? She has kidney disease and is a very fussy eater so I thought this might be a good way to get her to eat something.

Jean-François Bolduc et Guylaine Boivin

La nouvelle nous a touchés au plus haut point. Nous sommes près de vous par la pensée faute de ne pouvoir nous rendre aux funérailles. Avec toute notre affection.

Nos meilleures pensées et nos prières vous accompagnent.

Tous nos sympathies aux frères et soeurs.

Repose en paix Noella,

Jean-François et Guylaine

Denise Simard


Nous sommes très attristées par ce décès et nous partageons la douleur que vous ressentez, aujourd'hui. Nos meilleures pensées et nos prières vous accompagnent.

De la part de Huguette et Denise Simard

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